Monday, March 29, 2010


So....I've been talking to JJ online for about a week. He's cute, and funny, so we exchanged numbers and had been talking for all of 2 days when he makes a spur of the moment decision to drive to Vegas to meet me at exactly that moment. So he packs his bags, hops in his car, and 5 hrs later we are face to face. Totally strange/random/almost scary, but he was so cool that none of that mattered. He met my friends, went dancing, ran all my errands with me, was my date to a church activity, and basically woo'd everyone he came in contact with, myself included. We hit it off so well he decided to stay an extra day AND come up again next weekend. So I canceled my trip to see Oliver this weekend and instead will spend it watching conference cuddled up to JJ.
One funny thing about JJ coming up is how jealous it made Clueless. We were all at a game night last night and Clueless was shooting JJ the look of death, and JJ just smiled and laughed and made friends, and kept his hand on my leg (probably why Clueless was squirming) like it was totally natural/normal/been that way forever. It seemed that way to me. =)LOL Oh well. You snooze you loose buddy. He had MORE than enough chances and didn't make a move. JJ was super gutsy driving up here last minute, and look who got the girl. This one is a keeper.

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