Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pouring Again

Remember when I told you when it rains, it pours? Well right now it's pouring. Amen!

Koa (finally) called and asked me out on Friday. So did a guy I met at a bonfire last week. AND I spent the last 2 nights cuddling up with Clueless into the wee hours of the morning watching movies. So far that's the most I've gotten. I wish there was a little more to report as far as he is concerned....but I am totally looking forward to going out with Koa too.
He asked me out the "right" way. Not over Facebook or a text. He actually called me. He's already scoring points!

1 comment:

  1. I pasted that little diddy up there in Apparently all those squiggly lines means: A refueling
